On the dismal state of a dismal science?

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Heinz D. Kurz


On the occasion of her visit to the London School of Economics in November 2008, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth asked the assembled scientific community why the financial crisis had not been anticipated and measures proposed and taken to fight it. On 22 July 2009 two Fellows of the British Academy, Professors Tim Besley and Peter Hennessy, answered the Queen in a letter in which they summarise “the views of the participants and the factors that they cited” on the occasion of a forum the British Academy had convened on 17 June 2009 to debate the questions raised by the Queen (Besley and Hennessy 2009).

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Cómo citar
Kurz, H. D. (2011). On the dismal state of a dismal science?. Investigación Económica, 69(274). https://doi.org/10.22201/fe.01851667p.2010.274.24256

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