Publicado: 2016-06-06

Dental caries and caries-associated mechanisms found in the saliva of fi rst year students at the School of Dentistry, UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico)

Juan Antonio Arreguín Cano, Cecilio Ríos Gerónimo, Cristina Hernández Bermúdez, María Fernanda Ostia Pérez, Jairo Agustín Ventura Arroyo, Carlos Álvarez Valadez, Zeltzin González Rosas, Gloria Gutiérrez Venegas

Corticotomy: historical perspective

Patricia Olguín Vargas, Beatriz Raquel Yáñez Ocampo

Rapid-lecture biological indicators’ monitoring of CEYE (SAPC) autoclaves of the School of Dentistry of the Technological University of Mexico (UNITEC)

Saribeth Hernández Lomelí, Sandra Alavez Rebollo, Javier García Hernández, María Guadalupe Flores Luna

Battered child syndrome with stomatological repercussions. Case report

Luis Raziel Martagón Cabrera, Francisco Belmont Laguna, Eduardo de la Teja Ángeles, Jorge Téllez Rodríguez

Solitary mandibular bone cyst. Case report and literature review

Gabriela Wong Romo, Erick Carrillo Terán, Esther Ángeles Varela

Florid osseous dysplasia. Case report and literature review

Felix José Amarista Rojas, Leonard Carrera, Mariana Villarroel Dorrego, Orlando Reyes