Evaluation of the Equivalent Ductility of Buildings with Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Effects Using Capacity Curves

Contenido principal del artículo

Luciano Roberto Fernández Sola


The analysis of buildings under seismic motion with a exible base must consider two principal aspects of structural displacement: the rst being structural deformation, the second rigid body behavior. This effect produces a modi cation of the inelastic behavior of structures. In addition, a consideration of the exible base may change the distri- bution of internal forces along the structure that could generate vari- ations in the ductility demands on different structural elements. This article summarizes the results of previous studies on variations in the inelastic behavior of steel and reinforced concrete structures, taking dynamic soil structure interaction into consideration. The response of buildings with a exible base is compared and contrasted with those with rigid bases. The inelastic behavior of buildings is set out in terms of ductility capacity and demands. Pushover analysis is used to establish inelastic capacity parameters by comparing the capacity curves of buildings with rigid ( xed) and exible bases. Some comments and general guidelines are made about how base exibility in uences the inelastic behavior of structures.


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Cómo citar
Fernández Sola L. R. (2018). Evaluation of the Equivalent Ductility of Buildings with Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Effects Using Capacity Curves. Academia XXII, 9(18), 57–72. https://doi.org/10.22201/fa.2007252Xp.2018.18.67943

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Biografía del autor/a

Luciano Roberto Fernández Sola

A civil engineer with a Bachelor’s degree from the National Polytechnic Institute (ipn) Higher School of Engineering and Architecture (2005) and a Master’s and Doctorate in Engineering (2007 and 2011, respectively) with a specialization in structural engineering from the National Auton- omous University of Mexico (unam), graduating with an honorable men- tion on both of the latter occasions.

A specialist in the seismic behavior of structures and foundations and in dynamic soil-structure interactions. He has been an author and coauthor of a variety of publications, including popularization articles, papers presented at national and international conferences, articles in indexed journals and research reports. He has also participated in inter- institutional projects and interuniversity networks and served as a con- sultant for the private sector.

A research professor at the Structural Engineering Department of the Metropolitan Autonomous University’s Azcapotzalco campus, where he has taught undergraduate and graduate classes since 2011. A member of the National Research System at the candidate level from 2013 to 2017 and a professor with a “sought-after” rating in the Teaching Devel- opment Program (prodep) since 2013.

He served as the coordinator for the Mexican College of Civil Engineers’ operations center during the evaluation of the damage caused by the September 19, 2007 earthquake in Mexico City.

He is currently a member of the Mexican Geotechnical Engineering Society’s Soil-Structure Interaction Committee, secretary of the Board of Directors of the Mexican Structural Engineering Society, member of the Competitive Intelligence Committee of the Alliance for the Promo- tion of Infrastructure Research for the Development of Mexico (Alianza FiiDEM), president of the Continuing Education Committee of the Mexi- can Structural Engineering Society and coordinator of the Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering program at the uam-Azcapotzalco.

He has also served on the working group that is giving comments on the Complementary Technical Regulations for Seismic Design for Mexi- co City’s 2017 construction regulations.