Anales de Antropología <p>As of 2024, the digital journal <em>Anales de Antropología</em> became a<strong> publication in advance</strong> of the <strong>biannual printed version</strong>, since the <strong>articles are published continuously in the OJS platform</strong>, once the editorial process is completed, in order to reduce the waiting time for the appearance of articles and thus increase their visibility and citation.</p> <p>In accordance with its editorial tradition, <em>Anales de Antropología</em> publishes scientific papers, critical and theoretical-methodological essays, as well as bibliographical reviews on the <strong>different anthropological disciplines (physical anthropology, social anthropology, archaeology, ethnology, ethnohistory and anthropological linguistics), whose subject matter is of worldwide interest</strong>, without losing the perspective of the specialty from which the texts are approached, whether interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary.</p> <p><em>Anales de Antropología </em>is an <strong>open access journal</strong>, under the premise of making research freely available to the general public, thus favoring the exchange and dissemination of knowledge. This means that all articles are available on the Internet to all users immediately after publication.</p> <p><strong>No Article Processing Charges (APC)</strong><br />Articles published in <em>Anales de Antropología</em> have no submission, processing or publication costs for the authors.</p> es-ES <p>Esta revista usa una licencia CC del tipo <a href="">CC BY-NC-ND 3.0</a>. Se maneja bajo el esquema de acceso abierto, con una licencia Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported.</p> (Equipo editorial) (Editora técnica) Thu, 30 Jan 2025 17:33:04 -0600 OJS 60 The Role of Grandparents in the Acquisition and Proficiency of the Totonac Language <p>In this mixed study, we present the role of Totonac grandmothers and grandfathers in the acquisition of the Totonac language by their grandchildren. Observation notes and interviews were conducted with Totonac families from Filomeno Mata, Veracruz. Also, 1,080 children participated in a survey. It must be noted that grandparents, as caregivers, have a summative effect on the input of father and mother. They give value and authority to the decision to transmit the Totonac language. We also notice the absence of a language policy that generates sustainable bilingualism in the family. Thus, the decisions adopted in this regard generate conflict, disconnection, lack of communication, and a generational gap that hinders or interrupts a proper acquisition of the mother tongue and culture.</p> José Santiago Francisco, Miguel Figueroa Saavedra Copyright (c) 2025 Annals of Anthropology Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 -0600 Zoque Lexical Items in Classic Maya Place Names <p>Archaeological data suggest the existence of a Maya-Zoque contact zone, whose core for the Classic period (250-925 aD) was located between the Grijalva and Usumacinta rivers, in the territory of the current Mexican states of Chiapas and Tabasco. The epigraphic and linguistic analysis of the Mayan hieroglyphic inscriptions from this region and some colonial sources, as well as the toponyms that survived to the present day, allow us to reinforce this proposal, demonstrating a tendency towards the retention of words of Zoque origin and cases of the use of loanwords in the toponymy of the Western Lowlands during the Classic. At the same time, the contexts in which some of these place names appear indicate the possibility of sociopolitical interactions, especially warlike ones, between Mayan political entities and their contemporary Zoque counterparts.</p> Maxim Baboshkin Copyright (c) 2024 Annals of Anthropology Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:00:00 -0600