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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor has it been submitted to another journal (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the editor)


Submissions to BITÁCORA ARQUITECTURA must follow these guidelines


Research papers:

The length must not exceed 4.000 words. The text must come along with personal information (name, affiliation, academic degrees, and email address), title (in two languages), abstract (maximum length of 100 words, in two languages), keywords (not more than 10, in two languages).

Citations are similar to the criteria of The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, www.chicagomanualofstyle.org, (notes and bibliography system) but the house style has some variations. See the examples below:


Journal article


1. Ángela Giral, “Félix Candela en los Estados Unidos,” Bitácora Arquitectura 23 (November 2011), 48, doi:10.22201/fa.14058901p.2011.23.

Subsequent footnote

2. Ángela Giral, “Félix Candela…,” 50.

On References Listing

Giral, Ángela. “Félix Candela en los Estados Unidos.” Bitácora Arquitectura 23 (November 2011): 48-57. doi:10.22201/fa.14058901p.2011.23.



3. Hilde Heynen, Architecture and Modernity: A Critique (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999), 189.

Subsequent footnote
4. Hilde Heynen, Architecture and Modernity…, 170.

On References listing
Heynen, Hilde. Architecture and Modernity: A Critique. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1999.


Book chapter


5. José Luis Benlliure, “Sobre la arquitectura y su enseñanza en México en la década de los cuarentas,” in Alejandrina Escudero,  ed., La práctica de la arquitectura y su enseñanza en México (Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1983), 45.

Subsequent footnote

6. José Luis Benlliure, “Sobre la arquitectura…,” 43.

On References listing

Benlliure, José Luis. “Sobre la arquitectura y su enseñanza en México en la década de los cuarentas.” In Alejandrina Escuderom ed. La práctica de la arquitectura y su enseñanza en México. Mexico City: Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes, 1983: 9-46.


For further reference see the Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide (notes and bibliography system): www.chicagomanualofstyle.org.

Latin abbreviations are not allowed.



From 2,500 to 3,000 words, include author’s contact information. Footnotes should use research papers criteria.


Book, exhibition or event reviews:

From 500 to 800 words, in these cases the design layout does not allow the use of footnotes.



Submissions must come along with images and drawings to illustrate the ideas and works discussed; these must meet the following characteristics:

Images: resolution of 300 dpi, TIFF format or high-quality JPG, minimum size of 20 cm in its shorter side (the use of software to force the image into meeting these characteristics must be avoided).

Drawings: if these were created in software please save them as high-quality PDF letter size, if handmade, must be scanned in 1200 dpi in TIFF format.

The number of illustrations to be included is to be determined with the author for each proposal depending on the editorial design. Reproduction fees and copyrights are the author’s responsibility. A cloud-based file transfer service can be used to send large files. Illustrations should be numbered consecutively. Captions are to be sent in a separate document including description (optional), name of the work, author, year, precedence (fund or archive), photographic credits (if known) and copyright or reproduction credits. Location of illustrations must be indicated in the text. The editorial design will try to maintain this location.

Accepted articles to be published in BITÁCORA ARQUITECTURA will be subject to the copyediting process. The editors reserve the right to change the title in agreement with the author and selecting the images and figures accordingly to the space availability in the issue, without affecting the sense and comprehension of the text.

The responsibility for the text contents is the author’s. The author will have to either create the images himself or handle the reproduction rights with the copyright owners according to international laws.


Submissions (text, captions and images) are welcomed in bitacoraunam@gmail.com / bitacora.arquitectura@unam.mx