Carlos Mijares and the Jungapeo Cemetery Chapel

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Erandi Paula Barroso Olmedo
Tania Montserrat García Rivera
Federico Colella Castro




 Carlos Mijares' work went through several stages of exploration and maturation until it acquired its distintive language. Based on the analysis of Mijares' career, writings, and interviews, this essay will investigate the ideas that we consider to be the focus of his consolidated work in order to identify them in what we believe was his manifesto of architecture: the Jungapeo cemetery chapel. 

The chapel will be analyzed based on the sequential use of architectural elements since this was one of Mijares' primary means of composition and reflection. In addition, the details of its construction will be analyzed through the redrawing of the building and a series of interviews of the key actors in the process of construction and as well as its current users. This is done to highlight the importance of social participation in the process of construction, which determined the final form, as well as how the chapel was appropriatiated and given meaning by the community.

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How to Cite
Barroso Olmedo, E. P., García Rivera, T. M., & Colella Castro, F. (2017). Carlos Mijares and the Jungapeo Cemetery Chapel. Bitacora Arquitectura, (35), 42–53.

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Author Biographies

Erandi Paula Barroso Olmedo, Facultad de Arquitectura Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Maestra en Arquitectura

Facultad de Arquitectura

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Tania Montserrat García Rivera

Maestra en Arquitectura

Facultad de Arquitectura

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Federico Colella Castro

Doctor en Arquitectura

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid