Un análisis comparativo de dos entierros femeninos del Formativo tardío (Nativitas y Tlatel deTequexquináhuac, Texcoco)


  • David López Monroy
  • Luis Morett Alatorre
  • Beatriz Ramírez Meza




comparison, women, activities, illnesses, Late Formative period


A comparative analysis was made to determine the differences presented with respect to illnesses and occupational activities, between two burials from the Texcoco area of the Late Formative Period, corresponding to two individuals of the female sex. One of the burials was located in the present town of Nativitas and corresponds to the ceremonial center which dominated during the aforementioned period, established at the foot of a mountain, developing agriculture and utilizing the resources of the location. The second burial corresponds to a village which was located on the shores of Lake Texcoco. The inhabitants of this site made use of the resources of this ecosystem.


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How to Cite

López Monroy, D., Morett Alatorre, L., & Ramírez Meza, B. (2010). Un análisis comparativo de dos entierros femeninos del Formativo tardío (Nativitas y Tlatel deTequexquináhuac, Texcoco). Estudios De Antropología Biológica, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.14055066p.2005.19093



Antropología osteológica y dental