Susceptibility to disinfectants of Trichomonas vaginalis and Escherichia coli in experimental fomites
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Infectious diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms can be transmitted directly or indirectly. Protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis and bacterium Escherichia coli are both pathogenic for human beings and can be transmitted via fomites. There is a broad number of desinfectants in the market but there is not information concerning its efficacy in a comparative way on bacteria or trichomonadsin interaction with different materials. In this work the effect of several desinfectants on the viability of Escherichia coli strain 055 and Trichomonas vaginalis strain GT-21, settled on different materials was analized. A simple system in vitro of experimental fomites was designed in order to study the effect on these pathogens. It was found that trichomonads remained alive for 8 hours, and bacteria until 24 hours, in wood, paper, fabrics and plastic. However, in glass and metal both microorganisms persisted only for 1 to 4 hours. Bacteria and trichomonads were inhibited by all desinfectants tested being the more effective 70% ethanol and Lysol®.
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