Validity and Reliability in the Assessment of the Vulnerability of Social Networks

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Sandra Dinora Orantes Jiménez
Graciela Vázquez Álvarez


Nowadays, measuring the impact and effectiveness of Social Networks is important for people who use them in an individual manner, due to social or academic interests, as well as for companies that use them to evaluate or promote their products and businesses. Particularly, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate qualitatively and quantitatively, if possible, this tool that is used for the dissemination of information of any kind. We have tried to create an instrument that aims to validate the reliability of social networks, taking Facebook our case study because it is one of the most widely used currently. This instrument is a tool that measures the “information vulnerability”; information that people decide to upload to the Internet as part of a social network. Regarding validity, a suitable solution focused on four factors was found: legality (self-regulation), social factors, psychological factors, and finally technology. It was concluded that the proposed mechanism can be a useful instrument that detects the information vulnerability storage in each social network.

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Cómo citar
Orantes Jiménez, S. D., & Vázquez Álvarez, G. (2015). Validity and Reliability in the Assessment of the Vulnerability of Social Networks. Ingeniería Investigación Y Tecnología, 15(4). Recuperado a partir de

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