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The analysis of literature and lesbian culture requires a complex vision, the conjugation of broad and partial views, of the history of societies, of women and their writing activity, by regions, by authors and works, and in many cases, in addition to consideration of gender and sexuality, transnational and border identities, and nationalist or exclusion narratives in Latin America. Likewise, to follow the steps of the conformation of these narratives, it is necessary to look for their links with feminisms, class implications, racial segregations, movements against homophobia, considering literature as a process immersed in multiple processes of societies in the world. The passage of time, a constant dialogue between the particular and the general, between the past, the present and expectations, to avoid new essentializations or views that tend to bias.
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Cómo citar
Olivera Córdova, M. E., & Kozak Rovero, G. (2022). Editorial. INTER DISCIPLINA, 10(27), 15–17. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/inter/article/view/82505
Citas en Dimensions Service
Huamán Villavicencio, Miguel Ángel. 2002. Introducción. In Lecturas de teoría literaria I: Cuadernos pedagógicos. Lima: UNMSM, Fondo Editorial de San Marcos. http://www.comunidadandina.org/BDA/docs/PE-EDU-0002.pdf
Pozuelo Yvancos, José María. 2002. La teoría literaria en el siglo XX. In Huamán Villavicencio, Miguel Ángel, Lecturas de Teoría Literaria I: Cuadernos pedagógicos. Lima: UNMSM, Fondo Editorial de San Marcos. http://www.comunidadandina.org/BDA/docs/PE-EDU-0002.pdf
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