
Contenido principal del artículo

Consuelo Álvarez Plaza
Rosana Machin
Norma Blazquez Graf
Natacha Salomé Lima


Assisted reproduction poses many challenges that must be discussed multidisciplinary. If a few decades ago the interest was focused on the subjects who needed to have access to assisted reproduction techniques, the right to know or not the genetic origins, whose consequence would be the disclosure of the anonymity, nowadays it is reflected on several issues: who should choose the donors, the quota of children born per donor, the traceability of samples and donors, the possible relationships of children born from donors and/or surrogate mothers with reproductive donors and with the “own” children of the same, which comes to be the “genetic brotherhood”.

This issue’s dossier covers themes as markets and reproductive flows between Europe and Latin America; genetics, oocyte and semen donors; surrogate gestation, families and accesses; includes also debates in relation to reproductive technologies: feminist and legal discourses.

We invite to follow this challenging debate, and hope you, reader, find our work a small contribution to this collective task of fighting for reproductive justice, part of social justice.


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Cómo citar
Álvarez Plaza, C., Machin, R., Blazquez Graf, N., & Lima, N. S. (2022). Editorial. INTER DISCIPLINA, 10(28), 19–26. Recuperado a partir de https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/inter/article/view/83432

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