Orbital elements for eight binaries. Study of the nature of wide components. I

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F. M. Rica Romero


New orbital parameters and masses for eight binaries were determined. Most of these were noted as being in need of correction due to large residuals to the previous best orbit. A modified Thiele-van den Bos method was used to obtain initial orbits which were improved using the differential correction method of Heintz. The Thiele-van den Bos method was modified so that an approximate value of the areal constant allowed good results to be obtained. The nature of wide components was studied using BV IJHK photometry, historical astrometry and kinematical data. A search for new unreported companions around the binaries was carried out.

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How to Cite
Rica Romero, F. M. (2010). Orbital elements for eight binaries. Study of the nature of wide components. I. Revista Mexicana De Astronomía Y Astrofísica, 46(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/revmexaa/article/view/20577

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