Cognitive-behavioral Interventions for condom use in women with HIV: Evidence-based analysis toward need detection
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Women with HIV use condoms in a non-consistent way, putting themselves at risk of reinfection. Cognitive-behavioral interventions (CBI) have shown a reduction on risk behaviors in general, but in the case of women, the results are so diverse that they hinder the implementation of effective interventions to increase condom use in women with HIV. An evidence-based review of research articles was carried out to assess the effectiveness of CBI in the promotion of condom use in women with HIV. Articles in Cochrane, PubMed and Redalyc were selected. Duplicates were eliminated, as well as articles which did not include CBI in their procedures. A total of 2795 articles including data from 964 participants were analyzed. The results are described in terms of type of study and the purpose of the interventions: Aimed to the correct use of the condom in women with HIV; as well as partner violence in women and finally those aimed at examining coping strategies in people living with HIV. Interventions aimed at promoting correct use of condoms through behavioral elements did not show positive results in women, it is proposes considering the variable “assertive sexual communication” and gender factors, such as partner violence.
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Citas en Dimensions Service

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