Author Guidelines
The Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis (MJBA) publishes original basic or applied research reports relevant to the behavior of nonhuman animals and humans. Review or theoretical articles are also considered for publication. The MJBA is a bilingual journal, publishing papers in either Spanish or English. Abstracts in both languages are also included for each article.
Manuscripts submitted to MJBA must conform to the style and organization described in the 2020 (7th) edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). The instructions for preparing manuscripts in the Spanish language were adapted from the format requirements published in the January issue (2013) of the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB), with permission of the Editor. English speaking authors are advised to prepare their manuscripts according to the format requirements published in the January (2013) issue of JEAB. The only important difference between the format requirements for JEAB and MJBA is that the figures for MJBA should be prepared according to the dimensions of the journal’s page. The maximum size of the figures thus should be 15 cm high and 12.5 cm wide.
Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format (.doc or .docx) to the editor by electronic mail:
Mario Serrano
General Editor of MJBA