Varied sensory-motor adaptation to new dentures among full denture wearers and non wearers

Contenido principal del artículo

Alberto EnriqueVaried sensory-motor adap Nuño Licona
Mónica Nuñez
Fernando Ángeles Medina
Araceli Galicia Arias
Nicolás Pacheco Guerrero


Teeth loss elicits signifi cant changes in the sensory-motor activityof patients thus afflicted. These changes can in turn be affectedupon placement of a full denture (FD). Overall changes can altermastication processes, to the point of affecting the patient’s generalstate of health, as would be the case when impinging on properfeeding. This shows the importance of studying masticatory musclesresponse to the placement of a full denture. It is as well opportuneto compare patients who have previously worn dentures with newdenture wearers, since it must be borne in mind they could presentdifferent functional states. To this end, electromyographic records(EMR) were conducted in masseter muscles of 29 patients before(1st session) at 8 and 30 days (2nd and 3rd session) of FD placement.Two groups were tailored: Group 1 (G1) (n = 15, 12 , 5 , averageage 67.2 years) those who had previously worn a full denture, andgroup 2 (G2), (n =12, 8 , 4 , average age 66.5 years) comprisingindividuals who had never before worn a full denture. Results indicatedthere was functional difference among muscles of patientshaving previously worn FD when compared to muscles of patientswho had never worn a FD. Lesser EMG amplitude was found in G1when compared to G2 in the fi rst session as well as lesser ability togenerate masticatory cycles. In the long run, this could also bearupon masticatory ability decrease and patients quality of life. It isnecessary to continue this type of studies to substantiate recordedresults of the present study, as well as to implement measures gearedat contributing to improved FD adaptation.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Nuño Licona, A. E. sensory- motor adap, Nuñez, M., Ángeles Medina, F., Galicia Arias, A., & Pacheco Guerrero, N. (2013). Varied sensory-motor adaptation to new dentures among full denture wearers and non wearers. Revista Odontológica Mexicana Órgano Oficial De La Facultad De Odontología UNAM, 17(1).

Citas en Dimensions Service

Biografía del autor/a

Alberto EnriqueVaried sensory-motor adap Nuño Licona

Coordinación de publicaciones.

Editora de la Revista Ódontológica Mexicana. Órgano Oficial de la Facultad de Odontología, UNAM.