Use of zirconia in full maxillary rehabilitation on implants. Clinical case report

Contenido principal del artículo

Jorge Pimentel Hernández
América Salazar Urquiza


Zirconia (ZrO2) is a ceramic material possessing suitable mechanicproperties for usage in frameworks over implants. Presently, there is availability of zirconia cores for fi xed partial prostheses in anterior and posterior teeth and implants. Accuracy and precision in framework manufacturing are a pre-requisite for long-term successin restorations supported by implants. Manufacturing of zirconia framework requires wide knowledge and skill in clinical operatorsas well as technicians in order to achieve suitable adjustment and passiveness. The present article describes the manufacture of aZrO2 structure and individual crowns to rehabilitate the maxillary segment with six implants.

Detalles del artículo

Cómo citar
Pimentel Hernández, J., & Salazar Urquiza, A. (2015). Use of zirconia in full maxillary rehabilitation on implants. Clinical case report. Revista Odontológica Mexicana Órgano Oficial De La Facultad De Odontología UNAM, 19(1).

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Biografía del autor/a

Jorge Pimentel Hernández

Coordinación de publicaciones.

Editora de la Revista Ódontológica Mexicana. Órgano Oficial de la Facultad de Odontología, UNAM.