Rotary instrumentation: usage, separation and effect on postoperative endodontic complications

Contenido principal del artículo

José Leonardo Jiménez-Ortiz
Alma Nidia Nidia Calderón Porras
Benjamín Tello García
Héctor Manuel Hernández Navarro


Introduction of nickel-titanium instruments in the field of endodontics has made conventional root canal therapy more predictable and efficient. However, despite improvements in file designs and metal alloys, fracture of rotary instruments during endodontic treatment still represents a problematic, unwanted and frustrating complication. File separation often results from incorrect use or overuse of an endodontic instrument. If breakage occurs, patients should be informed about the incident and consideration should be given to whether or not to remove the fragment. This report describes a five year follow-up case of a mandibular molar with two separated endodontic rotary instruments lodged into the mesio-buccal and mesio-lingual canals which did not negatively affect the outcome of root canal treatment.

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Cómo citar
Jiménez-Ortiz, J. L., Calderón Porras, A. N. N., Tello García, B., & Hernández Navarro, H. M. (2019). Rotary instrumentation: usage, separation and effect on postoperative endodontic complications. Revista Odontológica Mexicana Órgano Oficial De La Facultad De Odontología UNAM, 18(1). ING.69528

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Biografía del autor/a

José Leonardo Jiménez-Ortiz

Coordinación de publicaciones.

Editora de la Revista Ódontológica Mexicana. Órgano Oficial de la Facultad de Odontología, UNAM.