La doctrina de la administración Bush (2001-2006)

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Soledad Segoviano Monterrubio


This article deals with the debate risen after the attacks which took place on September 11th, 2001, in the United States and the questions emerged from them regarding the faults in the security and intelligence systems of that country. This paper gets down to the process of revision and analysis of the national security systems undertaken by Bush administration using a series of initiatives aimed at detecting and correcting its mistakes and putting forward preventive measures to actions of a similar nature. The main orders issued by the American Congress regarding the reinforcement of the mational security are presented, highlighting the author's idea that such norms go against legality principles and democracy in that country. Finally, the divisions among the different organizations forming the intelligence and security system of the United States, and the contrasting opinions emerged from the society are thrown into relief.

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How to Cite
Segoviano Monterrubio, S. (2010). La doctrina de la administración Bush (2001-2006). Revista De Relaciones Internacionales De La UNAM, (97). Retrieved from

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