An observational recording of individual water consumption: Applications to the investigation of sustainable behavior

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Victor Corral Verdugo
Blanca S. Fraijo Sing
César Tapia Fonllem


An observational technique for measuring individual water consumption is presented, which assesses diverse domestic uses of water. The recording is conducted by previously trained housewives in an attempt to obtain a reliable, valid assessment that minimizes the inconveniences of classical observational techniques, such as the intrusion from observers and the subsequent reactivity of the observed people. The water consumption of 510 individuals was recorded, computing through three days in a week the time invested by the observer and two other persons at her household in washing dishes, taking a shower, watering plants, tooth- brushing, and watering the sidewalk in front of their households. Results of the recording indicated stability and internal consistency of the measures, revealing reliability of the instrument. A confirmatory factor analysis indicated evidence of convergent construct validity, which was reinforced by a significant correlation between the observations and the meter-recording of water consumption. Also, an evidence of concurrent validity was obtained when correlating these observations with scales assessing utilitarian and ecological beliefs regarding water.

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How to Cite
Corral Verdugo, V., Fraijo Sing, B. S., & Tapia Fonllem, C. (2010). An observational recording of individual water consumption: Applications to the investigation of sustainable behavior. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 34(1).

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