Experimental analysis of generalization of arithmetic responses in division operations

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Vicente García
Susana Eguida
Leticia Gómez
Ana Rosa Gónzalez


A study was conducted with sixteen subjects between dg/U and ten years of age, to experimental/y analyze response generalization in division operation, based o” training (instruction based on an exam pie plus feedback)— with tas/ss of dtfferent difficttlty levels. Subjects were asigned to four groups that had different phase sequences, in a mu/tiple base/inc design with five pitases. Tite resuits showed that there zoere differentdegrees of gener al iztion ita terms of: (a) response generalization whkh occurs sirnuitaneausiy with tite training given in a type of operation; (b) response genere/ir ation before training;A study was conducted with sixteen subjects between dg/U and ten years of age, to experimental/y analyze response generalization in division operation, based o” training (instruction based on an exam pie plus feedback)— with tas/ss of dtfferent difficttlty levels. Subjects were asigned to four groups that had different phase sequences, in a mu/tiple base/inc design with five pitases. Tite resuits showed that there zoere differentdegrees of gener al iztion ita terms of: (a) response generalization whkh occurs sirnuitaneausiy with tite training given in a type of operation; (b) response genere/ir ation before training;

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How to Cite
García, V., Eguida, S., Gómez, L., & Gónzalez, A. R. (2011). Experimental analysis of generalization of arithmetic responses in division operations. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(2), 11–27. https://doi.org/10.5514/rmac.v1.i2.26825

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