An exploratory study of referential processes in chronic-schizophrenic patients

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A. Hermosillo
J. Jiménez
J. L. Moreno
E. Ribes


The behavior of schizophrenic patients as speakers and listeners was analised duringa communicative task, evaluating effect of modeling on these behaviors.Four female patients diagnosed as schizophrenic participated in this study. A betweensubjects design was used, in which individual training and group evaluation sessionswere altemated. Remlts point out that patients: a) did not describe differentially basedon thematic orantaned and/or contained elements related to stimuli; b) showed a high frecuencyof questioning when differential descriptions, and e) modeling had short·termeffects, without generalization to new stimuli in the same task.

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How to Cite
Hermosillo, A., Jiménez, J., Moreno, J. L., & Ribes, E. (2011). An exploratory study of referential processes in chronic-schizophrenic patients. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 195–213.

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