Autoshaping using a briefsignal

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Carlos A. Bruner


Two experimentally naive pigeons were exposed fo an autoshapingprocedure where a 0.2 sec signal preceded tite delívery of food. Using an interreinforcement interval cøns¬tant at 32 sec, tite signal-reinforcer interval was systematically varied. It usas found that tite autoshaping pitenomenon occurs even when a very brief signal Ls employed. The pi¬geons pecked at the key at substantial rafes, both duríng tite “trace” period and the “intertrial interval”. It usas also found that the response rate decreases as tite signal-rein¬forcer interval Ls increased. The temporal distribu fian of pecking between reinforcers varied in a complex but regular way as tite variable usas manipulatect Tite nata sitow titat, although tite effect LS not as solid as witen longer signals are employed, it Ls possible to autositape key-pecking using very brief signals. Also, titat under Mese circumstances, tite temporal response pattern is very mucit like titat obtained in similar situations with a res¬ponse-reinforcer contingency.

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How to Cite
Bruner, C. A. (2011). Autoshaping using a briefsignal. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(2), 97–105.

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