An alternative method to assess sequential effects of schedules of reinforcement

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Carlos A. Bruner


It is known that fixed-interval schedules generate, at certain values, alt ernat ing short and Long postreinforcetnent pauses. TEtis effect has ben analyzed through autocorrelation methods with one-lag. However, this mnethods has shortcomings since it is unable to detect regularities in sequences of pauses that are non strictly cyclic. A computerprogram desígned to assess cotnplex sequences of postreinforcement pauses is proposed. 1208 sequences of four pauses each, produced by a rat exposed to a fixed interval 60 sec schedule were analysed with tEtis alternative method. In agreement with previous reports. the analysis showed that alt cornbinotions of four pauses were equally lihely to occur.Cotnparisons of actual distributions of short and long pauses with a binornial distribu¬tion showed that 100% of total variance was accounted for. It was coneluded that dura¬tion of postreinforcement pause is a truly randotn event, at least for tEte conditions described Acre.

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How to Cite
Bruner, C. A. (2011). An alternative method to assess sequential effects of schedules of reinforcement. Mexican Journal of Behavior Analysis, 1(1), 69–75.

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