The protection of historical rural lands-capes in Italy

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Berenice Aguilar Prieto


Historical and rural landscapes have a high cultural value, a sum of each site’s natural environment and man-made modifications. Its value lies in the popular knowledge underlying the creation of such spaces. Harmonious landscapes result from the awareness of rural village residents to regional environmental factors; this is the core of the wisdom of rural communities, accrued through time and expressed in local identities and cultural features. While international organizations promoting heritage conservation acknowledge the value of historical and rural landscapes, the problems they face threaten their permanence, damage the delicate social and cultural fabric which sustains them, and affect their environmental balance. Various measures have proven successful in several regions of the world. As an example of these, this article presents a paradigmatic case of study in Italy, and mentions historical and rural landscapes in Mexico, to illustrate the cultural and environmental consequences expected if certain suggestions were to be left unattended.


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How to Cite
Aguilar Prieto, B. (2014). The protection of historical rural lands-capes in Italy. Academia XXII, 5(9).

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Author Biography

Berenice Aguilar Prieto, Facultad de ArquitecturaUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Arquitecta por la UNAM. Maestra en Arquitectura por el Instituto Tecnológico de Kioto, Japón. Desde 1995 imparte la cátedra de Arquitectura vernácula en la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM y desde 2004 es profesora asociada en el Taller de Arquitectura de la misma facultad. Ha publicado artículos y libros acerca de arquitectura vernácula histórica y contemporánea. Sus proyectos de investigación se han enfocado a las culturas arquitectónicas de Japón, Italia y Marruecos. Es traductora del japonés al español.