Evaluation by infrared thermography in non-conventional prefabricated components for ceiling in humid warm climate
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This paper presents experimental evaluation by infrared thermography of non- conventional prefabricated components for roofs in the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chia- pas in Mexico, evaluated non-conventional ceiling are green roof with component Domotej (TVD), ceiling Domotej (TD) and Termolosa (TL). These technologies were designed by the Academic Body “Components and Conditioning of Housing” (CO- COVI) 2 within the framework of the “Technology Transfer for Bioclimatic Housing” research line, given the evident need of non-conventional technologies of ceiling for the housing of social groups of lower income in Mexico, This requires us to characte- rize it thermally to improve and in turn generate guidelines allowing to improve it.The diagnosis was carried out on an experimental basis with an infrared camera and thermocouples, obtaining both the interior surface temperature, outside climatic con- ditions of the site with a mobile weather station was also measured. The evaluation period was in the month of June, critical period for local conditions (humid warm cli- mate). Identified better thermal roof green Domotej and Termolosa, also be identified different temperatures due to the curved shape of the TVD and TD components.