The Citlaltepetl volcano in the territorial conformation of Orizaba

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Abe Yillah Román Alvarado


From dimensioning volcanoes as landscape markers, the Citlaltepetl is considered as a great benefactor of the valley below it and it reflects on the consequent urban and architectural configuration of the city of Orizaba. Thus, is reviewed from the histriography a set of texts, stories and pictures that contributed to the cultural construction of this volcano with the idea of prosperity, since the pre-Hispanic era, the colonial period and until the nineteenth century. In turn, some urban-architectural aspects and productive activities that made Orizaba a strategic place between the Veracruz coast and Mexico city.


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How to Cite
Román Alvarado, A. Y. (2019). The Citlaltepetl volcano in the territorial conformation of Orizaba. Academia XXII, 10(20), 206–227.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Abe Yillah Román Alvarado, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Graduate School of Architecture, Research Center of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture

Investigadora adscrita al área de Teoría e Historia del Centro de Investigaciones en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisaje (CIAUP) de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM. Doctora en Historiografía Cultural por la UAM, recibiendo la Mención Académica por la contribución de su tesis doctoral al desarrollo del conocimiento científico-humanístico. Maestra en Estudios Regionales con Mención Honorífica por el Instituto Mora. Investiga configuraciones espaciales de los asentamientos humanos prehispánicos, fenómenos urbano-arquitectónicos e historia regional de la arquitectura. Es docente en la Licenciatura en Arquitectura.