Improvement of Traditional Building Procedures in Dwellings towards an Energy-Efficient and Low-Carbon Architecture Practice in Mexico

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Naoki Enrique Solano García


Brick-and-concrete based construction elements traditionally built for low-dense housing in Mexico were tested using energy modelling software to assess their thermal performance. Afterwards, an evaluation on physical properties of regionally available construction and insulating materials was made to propose alternative specification with reduced carbon and energy-efficient building envelopes.

Application of suggested improved building fabrics in this study intend to contribute to a reduction in energy demand in hot climate regions, where dwellings’ electricity consumption escalates due to artificial cooling, while simultaneously considering fabric’s specification, the level of craftmanship from local construction workers and the technologies available in the country.


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How to Cite
Solano García, N. E. (2019). Improvement of Traditional Building Procedures in Dwellings towards an Energy-Efficient and Low-Carbon Architecture Practice in Mexico. Academia XXII, 10(20), 228–254.

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Author Biography

Naoki Enrique Solano García, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Graduate School of Architecture, Research Center of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape Architecture

Investigador de Carrera en el Centro de Investigaciones en Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Paisaje de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM. Es arquitecto por la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM (2012) y cuenta con estudios de Maestría en Ciencias de Diseño y Construcción de Ed- i cios de Cero Emisiones y Baja Energía, por la Universidad de Dundee, habiendo ganado una Beca Chevening para la realización de estudios de posgrado en el Reino Unido (2017). Su línea de investigación se cen- tra en la e ciencia energética de envolvente arquitectónica.