The Mayan Domestic Space: A Look Under Heidegger's Precepts On Inhabiting

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Sofia Guadalupe Ayora Talavera


Due to its central role in the culture, the traditional Maya domestic space, the solar, has been addressed in countless studies that, while they haven’t made it their primary object of study, nevertheless discuss aspects of dwelling. With the goal of bringing together some of these contributions, this article makes a theoretical reflection on Maya dwelling through the precepts put forward by Heidegger, proving that the way of producing the solar can be considered, in the author’s terms, to be a construction. Seen through this perspective, the solar, even though its result is that of dwelling, is conceived as an indispensable element that gives meaning to the lives of its inhabitants. It is therefore much more than a tangible, material production, calling into question our modern, western ways of doing architecture in the 21st Century.


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How to Cite
Ayora Talavera, S. G. (2020). The Mayan Domestic Space: A Look Under Heidegger’s Precepts On Inhabiting. Academia XXII, 11(21), 215–233.

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Author Biography

Sofia Guadalupe Ayora Talavera, Universidad Marista de Mérida

Profesora e investigadora de la Universidad Marista de Mérida. Desarrolla su labor docente en la Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño y participa en el proyecto “Manifestaciones espaciales de la pobreza en las comisarías de Mérida”. Realizó estudios de licenciatura y maestría en Arquitectura en la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Actualmente realiza el doctorado Interinstitucional en Ciencias del Hábitat en la Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, con la tesis Los modos de habitar en el ámbito rural yucateco.