The Reconstruction of the Coffee Landscape of Coatepec Through Historical Sources

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Rebeca Hernández Fuentes


This article partially addresses the methodology utilized in the doctoral dissertation La configuración del paisaje cafetalero a partir de los procesos industriales de fines del siglo XIX, which analyzes and contrasts contemporary cartographic, graphic and poetic sources to reconstruct a historical landscape that has not stopped evolving, but that nevertheless contains a countless number of redouts. The material in question provides both quantitative data and subjective qualities that allow us to come close to an understanding as to how the landscape in the area of Coatepec, Veracruz was perceived in the past, particularly during the coffee boom, which was the consequence of a series of processes triggered by industrialization and the many abrupt changes that occurred in the last three decades of the nineteenth century and the early decades of the twentieth.


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How to Cite
Hernández Fuentes, R. (2020). The Reconstruction of the Coffee Landscape of Coatepec Through Historical Sources. Academia XXII, 11(21), 234–264.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Rebeca Hernández Fuentes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Facultad de Arquitectura

Es licenciada y maestra en arquitectura, con especialidad en restauración de monumentos por la UNAM. Recientemente obtuvo Mención Honorífica por su tesis doctoral Configuración del paisaje cafetalero de Coatepec a partir de los procesos industriales de fines del siglo XIX, realizada en el Posgrado en Urbanismo de la misma institución. Participa en la red de internacional de investigación PHI y colabora desde el 2013 con el Dr. Xavier Cortés Rocha, profesor emérito de la UNAM, en temas de patrimonio urbano, centros históricos y restauración de edificios históricos.