The Impact of the 20 th Century on the Architecture of the Historic Center of Zacatecas

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Rocío Ramírez Villalpando


The historic center of Zacatecas is an example of Mexico's architectural heritage, with buildings that range from the 16th Century to the 20th. While it is true that colonial architecture makes up a large part of the physiognomy of the city, the transformations that arose from the technical progress and new creative forms of the 20th Century are also tangible. This article makes clear the architectonic evolution of the city of Zacatecas, understanding that its 20th Century architecture has been conserved thanks to the collateral impact of being located within a heritage site, not for its value in itself, which is often unknown.
Methodologically, it was necessary to carry out a systematic tour of the protected perimeter, observing and registering buildings and their construction and spatial characteristics, thus obtaining data that contributes to the understanding, protection and valorization of valuable architectonic expressions. This procedure can be replicated in other geographical areas. The modern architecture within the historic center is of varied styles - electicist, art deco, functionalist - and remains in constant evolution, speaking to the development of architecture, society and culture in this Mexican province.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Villalpando, R. (2021). The Impact of the 20 th Century on the Architecture of the Historic Center of Zacatecas. Academia XXII, 11(22), 64–80.
Author Biography

Rocío Ramírez Villalpando, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Arquitecta por la Universidad Autónoma de Durango, campus Zacatecas; maestra en Arquitectura por el Instituto Tecnológico de Zacatecas; doctora en Ciencias de los Ámbitos Antrópicos por la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes. Autora de artículos en prensa y revistas,  capítulos de libro nacionales e internacionales. Ha impartido conferencias y ponencias en México, España, Portugal, Brasil, Colombia, Cuba y República Dominicana. Es profesora-investigadora en la Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, Centro de Ciencias del Diseño y de la Construcción. Miembro del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) del Conacyt, Nivel I