Clavería: Five Decades of Urban Consolidation

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Ana Paulina Matamoros Vences


Currently, Mexico City is undergoing constant transformation, a large part of which has been seen in neighborhoods founded in the 20th Century, which have been increasing in density from single-family to multifamily housing, leaving behind a social history that should not be forgotten. All of the capital's neighborhoods have been witness to this.Clavería, the neighborhood that is the focus of this article, grew to become a bulwark of residential housing in northern Mexico City. Immersed in the heart of Azcapotzalco, the heart of the city's industrial development, the neighborhood has a varied urban fabric, the product of its early 20th Century history.  The central argument of this article is to reveal the processes that contributed to this space's urban consolidation and its transformation from a housing development to a middle-class neighborhood five decades later.


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How to Cite
Matamoros Vences, A. P. (2021). Clavería: Five Decades of Urban Consolidation. Academia XXII, 11(22), 196–215.

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Author Biography

Ana Paulina Matamoros Vences, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Programa de Posgrado en Urbanismo

Maestra en Arquitectura inscrita en el Programa de Doctorado en Urbanismo de la UNAM, dentro de la línea de Teoría, Historia y Cultura Urbana. Se encuentra realizando la investigación titulada “El proceso de consolidación de las colonias para la clase media en la Ciudad de México durante 1952-1966”. Recibió la Medalla Alfonso Caso en 2017 por estudios de Maestría en Arquitectura en el campo de Análisis, Teoría e Historia.