Assimilating Tradition: Miguel Fisac and the Hermitage of San Pedro

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Ramón V. Díaz del Campo Martín-Mantero


Miguel Fisac Serna (Daimiel 1913- Madrid 2006) was one of the most im-portant figures on the Spanish art in the 20th century. His career has been extensively studied, as befits such an important figure, but some aspects of his work have aroused more interest than others. We intend to highlight one of his most unknown but at the same time most suggestive projects: a small chapel built in Almagro (Ciudad Real) a building constructed in the 1980s where an internationally renowned architect built an old chapel with a markedly popular character. The vernacular languages are mixed with mod-ern solutions in a hermitage built with almost no financial means and with a strong involvement of the neighbourhood community.


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How to Cite
Díaz del Campo Martín-Mantero, R. V. (2022). Assimilating Tradition: Miguel Fisac and the Hermitage of San Pedro. Academia XXII, 13(25), 23–39.

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Author Biography

Ramón V. Díaz del Campo Martín-Mantero, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

Doctor en Historia del Arte por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Ha participado en varios proyectos sobre producción artística y patrimonio en España durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Imparte docencia en el grado de Historia del Arte y máster en Investigación en Letras y Humanidades de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Actualmente es miembro de los grupos Estudios Históricos Contemporáneos y turicom (La experiencia turística: Imagen, Cuerpo y Muerte en la cultura del ocio). Ha realizado estancias en las universidades de La Habana (Cuba), de Buenos Aires (Argentina), Iberoamericana (México) y de Messina (Italia). Sus principales líneas de investigación giran en torno al arte español durante el franquismo.