The Lord of Lightning New Forms for an Ancient Iconology

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Jesús López García


In the mid twentieth century, years before the Second Vatican Council, a new era of religious construction began in Aguascalientes, Mexico, using current construction methods and modern mechanisms of plastic signifi-cance. Establishing a new paradigm in the diocese in architectural matters. Innovative geometries and configurations, and within the resulting collec-tion, the temple of the Lord of the Lightning has a special connotation for detaching itself from the trend without iconographic ornaments, and on the contrary, appealing to iconology through a cover that is still far from the traditional composition of bodies and streets, refers directly to ancestral images of the Christian repertoire in a superimposed sculptural compo-sition, resulting in a disconcerting and unique building in Aguascalientes, groundbreaking and paradoxically traditional as well.


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How to Cite
López García, J. (2022). The Lord of Lightning New Forms for an Ancient Iconology. Academia XXII, 13(25), 102–122.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Jesús López García, Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes

Doctor en Arquitectura por la Universidad de Colima. Profesor-investigador con 36 años de experiencia profesional. Ha realizado ponencias en los ámbitos local, nacional e internacional. Ha publicado libros, artículos y capítulos sobre temas de historia de la arquitectura moderna, patrimonio arquitectónico y conservación de sitios y monumentos. Formación de recursos humanos: licenciatura, maestría y doctorado. Perfil promep. Líder del Cuerpo Académico de Estudios Arquitectónico-Urbanos. Pertence al SNI (nivel II) del CONACyT. Desde 2013 publica la columna semanal “Sobre…Arquitectura” en el periódico El Heraldo de Aguascalientes.