Sacred Art and its Objectual Communication

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Mario Camacho Cardona


In art objects the features that evoke the essences of the ways of being of individuals socialized in a given sociocultural moment are reflected. They are essences that the artist captures in an intuitive-perceptive way and captures them in the work of art establishing a communication based on an artistic objectual language through perceptions —emotions- affections and knowledge, which will be understood by the spectators in an intuitive— mental way a posteriori, generating languages of artistic communication. In the Catholic religion the Dominican Father Couturier among other members of the clergy fought to reconcile the ideas of religious art with the artistic currents of the twentieth century, updating the artistic religious expression as well as the new architectural character respecting the Catholic religious essences.


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How to Cite
Camacho Cardona, M. (2022). Sacred Art and its Objectual Communication. Academia XXII, 13(25), 123–141.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Mario Camacho Cardona, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Licenciado en arquitectura; maestro en Diseño Arquitectónico, y en Urbanismo; doctor en Urbanismo. Profesor de tiempo completo nivel “C” definitivo, en la Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, UNAM. Pertenece al SNI (nivel II) del OCNACyT. Autor de los libros: Diccionario de Urbanismo y arquitectura (Ed. Trillas, dos ediciones); Historia urbana novohispana del siglo XVI (Ed. UNAM, dos ediciones); Espacio sémico urbano arquitectónico (Ed. UTP Loja); Hacia una teoría del espacio. Reflexión fenomenológica para el ambiente (Ed. UICP / BUAP); El desarrollo histórico urbano de San José Río Hondo Naucalpan de Juárez (1700ª. c. al 2000 d.C.) (Ed. FES Acatlán, UNAM); y Espacio Sémico Ambiental (Ed. FES Acatlán, UNAM).