Transpositions in the Construction of the Invisible: Atti Fondamentali: Life and Digestible Gulf Stream

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Barbara Pierpaoli


This text analyzes and compares two projects—Atti Fondamentali: Vita by Superstudio and Digestible Gulf Stream by Philippe Rahm—reflecting on them not only as utopian practices that subvert the limits of the discipline, but through their current relevance as works that contribute to the material world. As two projects from different times, they can help us to imagine other possible ways of dwelling, embodying an architecture understood not just as a material construction but also as the construction of the invisible.


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How to Cite
Pierpaoli, B. (2022). Transpositions in the Construction of the Invisible: Atti Fondamentali: Life and Digestible Gulf Stream. Academia XXII, 13(26), 1545–180.

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Author Biography

Barbara Pierpaoli, Istituto Europeo di Design

Doctora en arquitectura por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, desde hace años compagina la labor de arquitecta con la de docente en la coordinación académica de proyectos especiales para instituciones educativas. Asimismo, colabora en el diseño de las metodologías de aprendizaje para la enseñanza en el ámbito de las disciplinas de diseño y proyecto. Entre sus publicaciones recientes se encuentra “New Haven 1966. When Howard, Berengaria, and Ethel blew up Moore House”, en ReHab, Living, Inhabitant, Houses, 2022, por el Politecnico di Torino.