Interactions between lever location, force requiremet and reinforcemet delay on operant performance in rats

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Gerardo Ortiz Rueda


In two experiments, the possible interaction of variable related to lever location, response requirement and delay of reinforcemet in a situation of free operant behavior, was assessed. Using different groups of rats distance between response lever and water dispenser (experiment 1) and the minimum force required to operate the lever (experiment 2) under conditions of immediate and delayed reinforcement, were, manipulated. Results showed a weak interaction between the variables under study, although a stronger effect was observed when the experimental conditions worsened during the delay procedure in comparison with the condition of baseline. These results are discussed in relation to delay procedures as well as the possibility of finding stronger interactions under more extreme values of the parameters used in the studies.

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How to Cite
Ortiz Rueda, G. (2009). Interactions between lever location, force requiremet and reinforcemet delay on operant performance in rats. Acta Comportamentalia, 15(2). Retrieved from

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