The Effects of Continuous Reinforcement History on Rule-Following Behavior

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Luiz Carlos de Albuquerque
Adriana Alcantara dos Reis
Carla Cristina Paiva Paracampo


The aim of this study, carried out with 16 university students, was to investigate the effects of continuous reinforcement history on rule-following behavior. Under a matching-to-sample procedure, with three comparison stimuli, the participants were asked to point the three comparisons in a sequence, according to its dimension common to the sample. Each rule specified the response sequence. Contingency-discrepant rule following was not reinforced, whereas correspondent rule following was reinforced on a CRF schedule. Two experiments were conducted in which the rules were presented in one of two sequences: correspondent-discrepant or discrepant-cprrespondent-discrepant. In contrast to Experiment 1, the participants in Experiment 2 abandoned discrepant rule following and responded in accordance with their prior reinforcement history. These findings have implications for the identification of the variables involved in rule-following behavior.

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How to Cite
de Albuquerque, L. C., Alcantara dos Reis, A., & Paiva Paracampo, C. C. (2009). The Effects of Continuous Reinforcement History on Rule-Following Behavior. Acta Comportamentalia, 14(1). Retrieved from

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