A systematic analysis of the types of generalized-discriminated contingencies

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Ernesto Quiroga Romero


Fuentes' radical behavioral concept of a generalized, discriminated contingency that stresses the copresent nature of behavior as a phenomenal and operative process of achievement, is broken down into the categories of knowledge and effect, which are basic characteristics of behavior for psychobiological reasons. Combining the categories of knowledge and effect allows the systematic delineation of different types of behavior: simple operant psychological processes, respondent psychological processes (that depend on the former), and complex operant psychological processes. Among simple, appetitive operant processes are the successful ones of achievement and preservation, and the unsuccessful ones of failure and loss; whereas among simple, aversive operant processes are the successful ones of escape and avoidance and the unsuccessful ones of unescapability and helplessness. Complex operant processes, all of them cases of conflict are divided in two types. punishment and reward, that are themselves composed of various subtypes.

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How to Cite
Quiroga Romero, E. (2010). A systematic analysis of the types of generalized-discriminated contingencies. Acta Comportamentalia, 7(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/acom/article/view/18237

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