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Rafael Moreno
Julio Varela


Although this issue appears somewhat lately, due to various imponderables, it was planned to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the appearance in 1985 of the work entitled Teoría de la Conducta: Un analisis de campo y paramétrico, published by the Trillas company, and written by Emilio Ribes and Francisco López Valadez. To consider this publication as a reference point implies acknowledging it as pioneering and representative of a whole tine of works where the first author, especially, has developed an interesting way of considering psychological theory and the work derived from it, As seems apropriate for a long journey, including that of science, this issue attempts to define a break to consider in part what is being done and what can still be done in psychology when taking this proposal into account.

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How to Cite
Moreno, R., & Varela, J. (2010). Editorial. Acta Comportamentalia, 6(3). Retrieved from https://revistas.unam.mx/index.php/acom/article/view/18245

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