La reflexión cartesiana sobre las pasiones
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This essay’s aim is to highlight the cartesian particularity and it’s revolutionary proposal of studying the human passions as a scientific manner; as the own author agrees in his work on the topic, declaring that his study on human passions would be similar to the one of a physician. As this “Treatise of passions” is his last work, it is in itself some sort of conclusion of the big cartesian thesis. For example, by proposing to make a scientific research of the passions we suppose the method he relies in for his investigation is the Discussion, which the author himself assures in his Introduction gave him such good results that he decides to publish it for whomever is interested in the knowledge of nature. The ouvre in question is an Introduction to: The Dioptric, the Metheors and Geometry. Equally, the Treatise of passions suggests a substantial dualism from the Meditations and the mechanics as an explicative hypothesis of the most accepted natural philosophy in his times.
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How to Cite
Silva, C. (2012). La reflexión cartesiana sobre las pasiones. Anuario De Filosofía, 2. Retrieved from