Evaluation of the quality of sewage sludge when subjected to drying / cleaning cultivated in greenhouse

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Márcia Regina Pereira Lima
Pedro Além Sobrinho
Edvânia Rodrigues Queiroz Cunha
Karla Schneider Vilela
Lorena Frasson Loureiro


The intent of this investigation was to evaluate the performance of a greenhouse in drying and higienization of the sludge produced in the Wastewater Treatment Plants by activated‐sludge processes and aerobicly digested. The intention was to obtain material with characteristics that makes its utilization in the agriculture in agreement to the standard established by Resolution 375/2006 of the Conama. Therefore, different methodological conditions were studied such as the form of disposing the sludge inside the greenhouse, the revolving period of the sludge and the condition of adding or not alkaline material in the sludge. The monitored parameters were TS, VS, pH, moisture, thermo tolerant coliform, salmonella sp., viable helminth ova and heavy metal. Based on the results obtained it was possible to confirm that the utilization of the greenhouse was satisfactory for the appraised conditions, producing a Class A material, in conformity to the standard used.

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How to Cite
Pereira Lima, M.R., Além Sobrinho, P., Rodrigues Queiroz Cunha, E., Schneider Vilela, K. and Frasson Loureiro, L. 2009. Evaluation of the quality of sewage sludge when subjected to drying / cleaning cultivated in greenhouse. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 2, 1 (Oct. 2009), 41–48.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Márcia Regina Pereira Lima

Engenheira Civil UFES (1989); Mestre em Engenharia Ambiental UFES (1996); Doutoranda do Programa de PósGraduação do Departamento deEngenharia Hidráulica e Sanitária – USP (desde 03/2006). Profa. do Curso Superior de Tecnologia em Saneamento Ambiental do CEFETES. Contact Av. Vitória, 1729 – Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Espírito Santo – CEFETES – Jucutuquara – Vitória (ES) – CEP 29.040333 – marcialima@cefetes.br

Pedro Além Sobrinho

Engenheiro Civil – USP (1967); Engenheiro Sanitarista –USP (1969); Master of Science in Public Health Engineering pela University of Newcastle uponTyne Newcastle upon Tyne – Inglaterra (1975); Mestre em Saúde Pública – USP (1976); Doutor em Engenharia – USP (1981); Professor Livre Docente– USP (1991); Doutor EESC/USP (1998). Profo. Titular do Depto de Engenharia Hidráulica e Sanitária da Escola Politécnica da USP.

Edvânia Rodrigues Queiroz Cunha

Graduanda em Tecnologia em Saneamento Ambiental CEFETES

Karla Schneider Vilela

Graduanda em Tecnologia em Saneamento Ambiental CEFETES

Lorena Frasson Loureiro

Graduanda em Tecnologia em Saneamento Ambiental CEFETES