Remoção de H2S através de biofiltração na ete do município de Orleans/SC

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Paulo Belli Filho
Flavia Andrea Da Silva Cabral
Henrique De Melo Lisboa
Antonio Willemann


Emission of odors from Wastewater Treatment Plants has become one of the main reasons for public complaints. With the purpose of solving the problems of odor emissions caused by wastewater treatment, a full‐scale biofilter was installed at a Wastewater Treatment Plant in Orleans, State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The biofilter efficiency will be assessed by a chemical analysis that will quantify hydrogen sulfide, and by an olfactometric analysis that will use three parameters: concentration obtained through the ODILE® olfactometer, expressed as UO/m3; intensity obtained with the use of the 1‐butanol reference scale; and hedonicity that requires the filling of a form with pictures representing the level of pleasantness or unpleasantness of an odor. All these analyses use the human olfactory sense. Both chemical and olfactometric analyses present efficiencies up to 95%. Hydrogen sulfide concentrations, quantified through gravimetric analysis, presented average concentrations ranging from 5.032 to 0.382 mg/m3 at the biofilter inlet and 1.0 mg/m3 to near zero at the biofilter outlet, with efficiency higher than 90%. The concentration obtained by olfactometric analyses at the biofilter inlet was 40,000 UO/m3 with very high odorant intensity and an extremely unpleasant hedonic tone. A concentration of 242 UO/m3 with low odorous intensity and without unpleasantness was verified at the biofilter outlet. The olfactometric analyses show that both concentration and hedonicity present results that show the significant reduction of odorous nuisances.

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How to Cite
Belli Filho, P., Da Silva Cabral, F.A., De Melo Lisboa, H. and Willemann, A. 2009. Remoção de H2S através de biofiltração na ete do município de Orleans/SC. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 2 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biography

Paulo Belli Filho

Eng. Sanitarista - UFSC. Professor da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (ENS). Mestre em Hidráulica e Saneamento (Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos SP). Doutor em Química Industrial e Ambiental (Université de Rennes I, U.R.I., França).