Tratamiento de lodos fecales mediante Wetlands artificiales

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Marta María de la Paz Arquier


During the years 2003‐2004 physicochemical, bacteriological and parasitological analyses were done for the characterization of the sludge transported by trucks, and the impact of its discharge into the sewerage system of Curuzú Cuatiá was evaluated. The results show that these effluents do not fulfill with the limits of BOD5, settleable solids and sulfides established for discharge in the sewerage system. The discharge of sludge produces instantaneous organic and solids overload in the treatment plant (stabilization ponds). Annually around 640m3 of settleable solids are discharged in the primary ponds, which represents 2% of their volume. The practice was continued for the purpose of evaluating alternatives for the treatment of the sludge. In this paper results of experiences that were carried out are stated: a) a pilot plant – wetland, artificial/drying bed cultivated with plants of the species Typhas augustifolia; b) in reactors (with and without macrophites) for the treatment of the liquid effluent (leachate) of the same and c) the physical chemical, bacteriological and parasitological characterization of the dried sludge in the wetland. Based on the results a design of a modular plant was prepared for the treatment of 50 m3 sludge/day (formed by two artificial wetlands of 172 m2 and a system of two stabilization ponds in series for the treatment of the liquid leachate (the wetland effluent).

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How to Cite
Arquier, M.M. de la P. 2009. Tratamiento de lodos fecales mediante Wetlands artificiales. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 2 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biography

Marta María de la Paz Arquier

Ingeniera Química (Universidad Tecnológica Nacional: U.T.N. F.R.R-Chaco) . Magíster en Gestión Ambiental, (Universidad Nacional del Nordeste). Postgrado en Aguas y Efluentes (CIS U.N. de Rosario). Desde el año 1997 es Responsable de Plantas de Tratamiento de Efluentes de la Empresa Aguas de Corrientes SA. Docente de la Cátedra Gestión Ambiental (Carrera de Ingeniería Química. U.T.N.- F.R.R)Dirección: Sgto Cabral y Gdor Panpin- Corrientes-Pcia de Corrientes-Argentina-3400- ArgentinaTeléfonos: 011-3783-422980- 423079- int 212 y 231 . Fax int. 226e- mail: