Fertilización dosificada con biosólidos acondicionados

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Margarita Beltrán Villavicencio
Mabel Vaca Mier
Alethia Vázquez Morillas
Raymundo López Callejas
Raúl Hachec


This research evaluates the advantages of applying stabilized biosolids -mixed with zeolites (clinoptilolite) and phosphoric rock- in soil. Biosolids, stabilized and pressed, were obtained from the Waste Water Treatment Plant Toluca Norte. The assessment was performed by growing lettuce (Lactuca. Sativa var. Intybacea Hort) in soils with and without biosolids. Three different types of experimental conditions were tested: A) plain soil with low nutrients content, B) plain soil with low nutrients content improved with biosolids and C) rich, high nutrients content soil. Main properties of soils and biosolids were analyzed prior and after the experiments. In soils amended with biosolids, amount of biosolids was calculated based on N content and requirements. After the experiment, results were assessed in terms of biomass of lettuce produced for each experimental condition. The best biomass results were obtained for rich soil (140g/plant), followed closely by soil amended with biosolids (120 g/plant). Poor soil, used as a control, presented a yield of 80 g biomass/plant. It is clear that addition of biosolids improve the quality of the soil, and subsequently, its capacity to of support plant growth.

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How to Cite
Beltrán Villavicencio, M., Vaca Mier, M., Vázquez Morillas, A., López Callejas, R. and Hachec, R. 2009. Fertilización dosificada con biosólidos acondicionados. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 1 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biography

Margarita Beltrán Villavicencio

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco Av. San Pablo No. 180, Col. Reynosa Tamaulipas, Azcapotzalco, 02200, México, D.F.

Teléfonos: 53 18 90 75/53 18 9579/Fax: 53 18 90 80
mbv@correo.azc.uam.mx, mvm@correo.azc.uam.mx