Integrating a predictive water consumption model to a real time model for the operation of drinking water systems

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Viviana Marli Nogueira de Aquino Borges
Kamel Zahed Filho


Integration between hydraulics simulation and water demand forecast models for planning real time operation, with 24 hours of antecedence, of the metropolitan water mains system of São Paulo is described. Operational programming for short term (real time) is also useful for special events (longer periods). Daily programming of operation is implanted by a SCADA system, that is responsible for telemetric startup of pumps and changes in position of control valves, to control flows that supply distribution tanks. This integration created a decision support system, composed by: mathematical models, computational systems, data bases and a friendly interface. Methodology consists of construction and integration among several models to create a dynamic solution to each specific operational condition. Proposed methodology may be applied to any system with installed field automation for real time control. The success of this methodology is demonstrated by an application to a great and complex water main system. Improvements of the real time operation conditions results in several advantages: increase the security, reduction of energy costs, better efficiency of hydraulic a mechanical components, reduction in control valves maneuvers, more stable water treatment conditions. The proposed model of operation does not try to reach optimal solutions, but results in excellent and practical operations rules. However it is recommended and it is being prepared for introduction of a real time optimization model as the next step.

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How to Cite
Nogueira de Aquino Borges, V.M. and Zahed Filho, K. 2009. Integrating a predictive water consumption model to a real time model for the operation of drinking water systems. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 3 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biographies

Viviana Marli Nogueira de Aquino Borges

Mestre em Engenharia pela Escola Politécnica, da USP. Especializaçãoem Engenharia de Saneamento Básico pela Faculdade de SaúdePública, da USP. Engenheira da Divisão de Operação da Adução daProdução, da SABESP.
Rua Cincinato Braga, 481 ap.53 Bela Vista São Paulo SP CEP01333-011 Brasil Tel: (+5511) 3388-8735 Fax: (+5511) 3388-8763,

Kamel Zahed Filho

Doutor em Engenharia pela Escola Politécnica, da USP. Professor doDepartamento de Engenharia Hidráulica e Sanitária da Escola Politécnicada USP e Engenheiro da Divisão de Planejamento, Gestão eDesenvolvimento Operacional da Produção, da SABESP.