Contaminación por residuos sólidos en el polo turístico tarará

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Félix Palacios
Ernesto García


The tourist zone with marine and beaches requires of a suitable solid waste management coming from the residents, yachts and marine debris. The Tarara littoral and their residential area are located in the East littoral of Havana City with 1500 meters of extension. Marine debris was coming from land-based sources during the sampling of 12 months. The rocky coast tract was the most polluted by marine debris with unlawful micro drains while the Marine Tarara -included the beach- was the less polluted. The combined analysis of the solid waste coming from the residents, yachts and marine debris showed that the combustible wastes represent 45% in weight, inert 31%, fermentable 16% and forest 8%. The fermentable contained low in the solid waste is associated to the low periods of the residents' permanency in the houses and yachts. The solid waste density was 100-120 kg.m-3 and it can be compacted with recollect-compactor equipments. The analysis of solid waste grain suggested the use of containers of 100 liters of capacity for the yachts solid waste and containers of 1000 liters for municipality solid waste and marine debris, while the low heating power found in the garbage was 1850-1945 The total garbage production at present in Tarara is 3.4 and 1.62 of index of production. However, the solid waste production is projected in 9 belong to 3.2 of humid garbage and 5.8 of dry garbage. The proposal collection route will have 7 km of extension and it is smaller than the current collection route (10 km) because of the dead distances decrease with an important saving and the collection time reduction. The garbage differentiated collection in dry and humid garbage is discussed, as well as a solid waste integral management, included the recycle.

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How to Cite
Palacios, F. and García, E. 2009. Contaminación por residuos sólidos en el polo turístico tarará. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 1 (Nov. 2009).
Author Biography

Félix Palacios

Centro de Ingeniería y Manejo Ambiental de Bahías y Costas, Cimab
Carretera del Cristo No. 3, Tiscornia, Casablanca.
A.P. 17029 C.P. 11700. La Habana, Cuba.
Teléfono: (537) 862 3051 ext. 260; (537) 862 4387 Fax: (537) 866 9681