Biosolids management accomplish during five years for beneficial reuse in Santiago, Chile.

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Paola Arata


Over the last five years, “Aguas Andinas” has developed experiments in the metropolitan region related to the beneficial reuse of biosolids (agriculture, forestation, reforestation of environmental assets, green areas and thermal valorization, among other things), with the purpose of minimizing their final disposal in sanitary landfills and/or monofills. These actions require gradual implementation because it is necessary to accomplish phases of testing in laboratory scale and subsequently in the field to gather information about the sustainability of each alternative studied before their implementation in real scale. Due to the quantity and quality of biosolids to be handled and managed by “Aguas Andinas” (early in next decade, approximately 1,000 tons of humid biosolids will be generated per day with 25% of solid contents), the studies performed in different fields of application and the results obtained determined alternatives to be implemented in a larger scale, such as the agricultural use, and others intended to complement the beneficial reuse, as the application of biosolids in green areas that will provide support for integral management actions. From the technical experiments and studies can be concluded that there are conditions for the agricultural reuse of biosolids in real scale in the metropolitan region, which is considered the most appropriate alternative in the medium and long term.

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How to Cite
Arata, P. 2009. Biosolids management accomplish during five years for beneficial reuse in Santiago, Chile. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 4 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biography

Paola Arata

Ingeniero Civil Industrial de la U. de Chile, Post Titulo en Gestión e Ingeniería orientada a Empresas Sanitarias en la U de Chile. Jefe de la Unidad de Gestión de Biosólidos de Aguas Andinas, en donde ha investigado y desarrollado las diferentes alternativas de Reuso Benéfico y disposición de biosólidos para la Región Metropolitana.

Aguas Andinas, Avda. Presidente Balmaceda 1398, Santiago, Chile. Fono: (02) 496 2913
Fax: (02) 496 2909;