Carbon credits obtainment using chilean biogas combustion plants

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Jean-François Bradfer


Biogas Combustion Plants constructed by AS&D Consultores are not conventional and their design is innovative worldwide. They are comprised of a biogas extraction plant, a measurement plant and finally combustion and heat dissipation chambers (bioflares); all facilities being controlled and run from an operation room. Flares used are based on air stream flares specially adapted to biogas requirements, with combustion outputs over 99%. Due to the success achieved after the construction of the first biogas combustion plant in July 2006 (R.S. El Molle – 2,400 m3/h), Chile became a technological competitor in the international market with the implementation of the second largest project in the country (R.S. Santa Marta – 3,000 m3/h), ahead of North-American and European companies, which have been operating in this field for decades. Nevertheless, multiple reviews conducted in 2006 on the design methodology of biogas combustion plants and specially the “Tool for Calculation of Methane Destruction Efficiency”, led to the appearance of peculiar conditions and limitations whose aspects do not seem to be based on technical or environmental reasons, but rather on technological barriers imposed by countries responsible for paying carbon credits.

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How to Cite
Bradfer, J.-F. 2009. Carbon credits obtainment using chilean biogas combustion plants. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 4 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biography

Jean-François Bradfer

Ingeniero Francés en Procesos Industriales, llegó a Chile en 1997. En 2004 creó AS&DConsultores dedicada a la asesoría e ingeniería sanitaria y comercializando equiposrelacionados con el biogás. En 2005 fabricó la primera antorcha chilena a combustiónabierta, y en 2006 diseña, construye y opera las dos primeras Estaciones de Combustiónde Biogás de fabricación chilena, en el marco del protocolo de Kyoto.
Los Canteros 8780 Parque Industrial La Reina Stgo de Chile Tel./Fax. : (56) +28338462 / 2754017 - email: