Communication and dialogue between stakeholders in the context of co-processing: Costa Rica and El Salvador

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Sandra Spies
Helga Arroyo Araya


Co-processing of industrial wastes in cement kilns is a technology that stands out as a feasible option to solve the problem of industrial wastes. However, the sustainability of the co-processing extensively depends on the communications and discussions among the stakeholders involved, which should ensure maximum participation, information and transparency. In this context, a research is proposed in order to analyze the communication and discussion between stakeholders within the co-processing scenario of Costa Rica and El Salvador. This is a descriptive and exploratory study that uses the structured interview technique as a main strategy to collect information. In the case of Costa Rica, the data collection technique was applied to 46 representatives of several sectors involved in integral waste management (IWM), whereas in the case of El Salvador, 18 participants were interviewed. The trend in the use of co-processing technology is different in each country. In Costa Rica it has being implemented since 2004, whereas in El Salvador the technology has been recently approved. This situation indicates that each country has different strategies of communication among stakeholders. The exchange of information not only contributes to the definition of theoretical communication models but also allows the improvement of experiences on discussions about co-processing among stakeholders.

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How to Cite
Spies, S. and Arroyo Araya, H. 2009. Communication and dialogue between stakeholders in the context of co-processing: Costa Rica and El Salvador. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 4 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biographies

Sandra Spies

Sandra Spies es ingeniera civil, cursando una maestría en gestión ambiental. Desde el 2001 trabaja con la Agencia Alemana de Cooperación Técnica en proyectos de residuos sólidos. Actualmente es coordinadora del programa CYMA en Costa Rica.

Helga Arroyo Araya

Helga Arroyo es egresada de la licenciatura en psicología de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Trabaja con la Asociación Centroamericana para la Economía, la Salud y el Ambiente (ACEPESA). Su experiencia laboral se ha centrado en hábitat popular, fortalecimiento comunal, metodologías de investigación social, saneamiento sostenible y desarrollo organizacional.