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Carlos Enrique de M. Jerônimo
Elias Andrade Braga
André Paulo Santos Novato
Carlos Eduardo Santos Costa
Fábio Merçon


In the current times of economy and globalization pollution, the word of order of the companies is the biggest productivity, with adequate use of the available water, reuses of effluent, more trustworthy industrial processes and reduction of impacts on the environment. In the industry of the oil refining it is not different, is large the necessity of a more efficient management of the water resources in view of the enormous amounts of water used and, for consequence, the great generation of effluent. In this work one searched to identify opportunity of cleaner production, by means of operational and managing improvements in the management of the water resources in Brazilian refineries of oil. These opportunity’s objectives is to eliminate, to reduce, to treat and to make use the effluent ones generated in the refineries. The diagnosis made in two refineries presented opportunities for the segregation and reuse of rainwater, reducing the load of pollutants in the effluents at source of generation and some interventions to reduce the waste of steam. This work demonstrates that the cost reduction in waste water is a viable strategy and impacting on the environmental point of view.

Key Words: Characterization, Hospital, Management plan, Healthcare waste.

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How to Cite
de M. Jerônimo, C.E., Andrade Braga, E., Santos Novato, A.P., Santos Costa, C.E. and Merçon, F. 2012. MINIMIZATION OF WATER POLLUTION IN THE PROCESS OF OIL REFINING. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 5, 2 (Aug. 2012), 78–92.

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Author Biography

Carlos Enrique de M. Jerônimo, Engenheiro de Processamento da PETROBRAS S.A.

*Autor Corresponsal: Instituto de Química, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Rua São Francisco Xavier, nº 524, Pavilhão
Haroldo Lisboa da Cunha, sala 306, Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20550-013. Email: